Thursday, October 21, 2010

She's Beginning to Show

These pictures were taken a little over a week ago and I meant to post them right away, but time seems to get away from me with a 16 month old in the house. 
I was just looking through old pictures from when I was pregnant with Grace and I think I looked this big at 20 something weeks, not 16. Guess that's just what happens with your second. Sometimes I think my body is happy to be returning to its larger shape and I am just happy there is a good reason for it.
Only a few more weeks till we get to find out the sex... I can't wait! 


Ashley said...

You are so beautiful!!! No matter what week you are on. I love your little bump! I'm so happy for you and it's my inclination that you're having a boy...although, I think it would be so sweet for Grace to have a sister. Secretly, that's what I want for my next one so Reese has a playmate. :) Love you! Thanks for posting your sweet pictures.

lyndsey said...

love it!

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmm hottttt I love pregnant women