Friday, October 31, 2008

Ten weeks and counting...

This week Joe and I are ten weeks, which according to my faithful baby book (lent to me by my good friend Sarah), means our baby is size of a plum. I have also started to feel better which is a great blessing. It's times like the last couple of months that the full effect of Jesus telling Eve childbirth would be difficult really hits home and I haven't even gotten to the labor part :). As a young girl whenever I was sick I would always get really mad at Eve for sinning thinking it was all her fault I felt so icky. But even through all the nausea, I can still say it is so worth it. The miracle of life is just that, a miracle. To think that a little part of Joe and a little part of me is growing inside me always brings a smile to my face. So keep on growing little one. I pray you are healthy and that the Lord gives your mommy and daddy wisdom in the coming years to teach you as you grow.

1 comment:

Katie Willard said...

Ashley! It's fun to hear about what you are up to and about your baby. So cute. So..Raleigh and I have a blog now, so check it out!