Friday, August 19, 2011

My Daughter

Grace is two - which really is enough said and should explain the following pictures and videos. But since this is as much a record for me as a place for the grandparents and friends to view what's going on in our lives, I think it pertinent to give a bit more information. She brings such incredible joy to our house and definitely keeps me on my toes. While looking through my pictures, I was surprised at how much of her personality shines through.

Here Grace is eating a "smoovie" specially made by Papa. We visited my parents for a week and every morning she would beg my dad to make her one.

Being at Grandma and Papa's is so much fun it is hard to go to bed. After some protest and several repetitions of, "You need to stay ON your bed," all was quiet. Apparently we should have specified how much of her needed to be on the bed.

Here Grace had dumped all her clean clothes out of her laundry basket and brought it to the couch so she could watch Dora while sitting in it.

The following video will be funnier if you're an Arrested Developement fan, but even if you're not, it's still cute.

She has also started making up her own songs. I love it when she sings. I recently heard her singing in the kitchen and when I brought my camera in, she put on a little show. I believe she is singing, "Bible is Gracie's," although it sounds more like "Bible wa Grac-y." She definitely loves her little New Testament and carries it around everywhere.

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