Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Rainy Day Fun

The rain has officially come to stay.  I actually don't hate the rain. Hot chocolate tastes better on a cold rainy day. A good book, and a snuggly blanket are comforting (thoughts/dreams) when it's raining. However, rain also means we stay inside a lot more, which also means I hear, "I don't know what to do," a lot more often. When I hear this, it's time to get creative. Okay, I admit, sometimes I do cave and let them watch Netflix, but only sometimes. Last week I was inspired by a pin I had seen on pinterest about painting with colored shaving cream. I actually remember doing something similar as a kid, although it may have been homemade bath crayons now that I think about it. My mom was awesome. We did stuff like this all the time before pinterest... but I diverge. Back to the rainy-day activity. All I did was take a muffin tin, fill it with shaving cream, add a few drops of food coloring to each compartments, and voila, homemade fun.

I let the kids paint to their hearts content; in the bathtub of course. I think Grace couldn't believe I was actually letting her paint the walls because she kept asking me if she could paint another spot and squealing a bit when I answered yes every time. Of course, being a mom whose hobby is photography, I took pictures.

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